Sunday, September 11, 2011

Pranksta Production: The Force is With Us!

Last week director Carl Paolino returned from LA with some great recorded performances from the actors and is well into the stop motion animation and shooting phase with the film's animation supervisor, Matt Manning, whose credits include "Robot Chicken."

Carl details how it went in LA: 

The recording session went over without a hitch in sunny Santa Monica, California. Co-Producer Mark Hamill created two voices for "The Halloween Pranksta". The first was for "Bronte" the giant tarantula, and the other was for "Beck" the giant python. John Mariano was the voice of the nine year old pranksta boy. Jeannie Elias created the voice of "Penny D" (a mysterious young person who appears in a nick of time) and of a younger boy who the Pranksta tries to recruit. Peter Schmitt recorded the entire voice over session with our talent.

"Recording the voice over sessions for an animated film is just fun times one hundred. I have worked with Mark (Hamill) before so I knew what to expect; hilarious bliss. Mark has a great range of voices and in our case (for what we needed from him), a great range of strange sounds as well. Creature sounds, to be more descriptive."

The crew had a brief but productive stay in LA. And just to show how efficient they are, they even had time to stop for a couple of pics. How cool is that?

From left to right, Matt Manning (producer and stop motion animation supervisor), Carl Paolino (director and writer), John Mariano (voice of "the Pranksta"; credits include "Animaniacs" & "Desperate Housewives"), Kasia Kruk (Associate Producer; NY Film Festival, Event Coordinator) and Peter Schmitt (DP; credits include "Minority Report" & "Twister"). Carl, John & Peter are all alumni of School of Visual Arts in Manhattan.

Writer / Director Carl Paolino with Star / Producer, Mark Hamill